Here is one last entry on my classes at the the Sunset Workshop. James said Rudy Wray was endearing so I went to his class on “Kingdom Living in the World”. His main text was Matthew 5:13. ““You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.””
Rudy spoke of having seen a Peanuts cartoon where Peppermint Patty is blaming Charley Brown for her being sent to the office. “If you would have been a good enough influence, Chuck, I wouldn’t have had to go there.” Although she was passing the buck, it was a great example of how we should be the good influence on the world to help keep them out of trouble. That is what this scripture means: We all (Christians) are the salt of the earth. The following is my interpretation of Rudy’s class:
Salt at the time had an infinite value. The word ‘salary’ comes from salt. The roman guards were paid in salt. This is also where the phrase “worth your salt” comes from. As Christians, we are God’s masterpiece, (Eph 2:10) created to be His medium through whom His work is done.
One function of salt is that it is a preservative that controls decay. As God’s workmen, we are a moral antiseptic for the world. We should, unlike Chuck, help to prevent trouble making. We are the influence in our world that prevents lower standards.
Since salt also promotes thirst, Christians are to make Christ desirable so people will want more of Him. However, salt is not effective unless it comes in contact. We can not be effective if we do not come in contact with people.
The second part of the passage refers to salt’s ability to lose its saltiness. Rain can wash salt away from minerals, leaving a substance that looks like salt, but has no salty flavor.
Mahatma Gandhi said that “the greatest hindrances to Christianity in India are other Christians”. When you put that with the ability of salt to kill (plants, snails…), then you must realize that either we are working for God or against Him.
Being the salt of the earth is a big responsibility. It does not say we could or we should be salt. It says that we are salt. If you are worth your salt then you will recognize the masterpiece that you are, and work for Him.
It is my understanding that salt is a symbol of loyalty and friendship. (Maybe this is why Lot’s wife turned to a pillar of salt once she turned around; thus she broke her loyalty with God.) Salt was used as a covenant sign (Lev 2:3, Num 18:19), it was not suppose to be left out of the sacrifices. In 2 Kings 2:20-22, Elisha poured salt into the pool of Jericho to heal the water. Maybe he used salt to symbolize not only the purification function of salt, but also the covenant faithfulness of the Lord. Getting back to the scripture in Matthew, a person who has once joined in a “salt covenant” with God and then breaks it, is fit only to be thrown away. Because we are salt, we must remain loyal to God in order to not lose our salty properties.
The flavor property of salt is also used in Colossians 4:6: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” We have to remain flavorable to be make others desire Christ. Mankind is without taste so we are sent to sprinkle peace, knowledge, justice… we are sent to add the flavor. I came across this interesting quote from Oswald Chambers:
“A Christian is salt, and salt is the most concentrated thing known. Salt preserves wholesomeness and prevents decay. It is a disadvantage to be salt. Think of the action of salt on a wound. If you get salt into a wound, it hurts, and when God’s children are amongst those who are “raw” toward God, their presence hurts. The man who is wrong with God is like an open wound, and when “salt” gets in, it causes annoyance and distress and he is spiteful and bitter. The disciples of Jesus preserve society from corruption; the “salt” causes excessive irritation which spells persecution for the saint.”
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)
Rudy was very endearing. I wish I could have stayed to hear his flashlight story while he talked about being the light of the world. I tell you one thing, I am not going to let myself be thrown out and trampled by all men. No unsaltiness here!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Living Out Loud with Neva
Most of my time at the Sunset Workshop was spent in the Ladies’ Program with speaker, Neva Cooper. I consider her a dear friend and it was a pleasure to hear her speak on Living Out Loud. Of all people I know, she can say that she has lived out loud for God.
I want to tell a story on Neva that could have had a direct impact on me. A few years ago, she was headed to Oklahoma to speak at our ladies’ day. As she was traveling through the not usually dangerous plains of Kansas, her driver’s side window suddenly shattered. At the time, she had no idea why. She sought help and continued on her way to see us. The person who fixed the window said it was consistent with a gunshot. Believe it or not, they found the bullet on the floor of the passenger’s side. It came through her window, somehow missing her, and could not exit through the shatterproof glass of the front window. My friends, there is a reason Neva’s angel protected her that day. I am sure Neva would love to go to heaven where her first husband is waiting, but she knows God has plans for her to be a messenger for Him. He has plans for her to continue living out loud for Him.
With that said, she spoke at least three hours. How can that be summarized in a short entry? Here is my top three list of points from Neva’s talk:
1. The text was the book of Matthew. Her first topic was “Above the Din of the World”, and was based on chapter five. We must be set apart, a people with “surpassing righteousness”. As Christians, we should think differently. Satan tries to get us to lower our standard. If he can get us to lust (after anything), then he can get us to sin. There is a “dumbing down” in America; defined as “refusing to live by or acknowledge a system of standards”. Christians have to live by higher standards in their marriages, their thoughts, their words, everything. We are the sanctified, the called apart. You can’t be a Christian that is living out loud if you are “in camouflage”.
2. The next session was entitled: “Cacophony of Chaos” and focused on Matthew 6. Neva loves fun words to say and “cacophony” is one of those. It means a mixture of sounds that do not go well together. This section was about calming the chaos in our lives. We must first live in harmony with God; he wants us to calm down our lives to be able to worship Him. We also must simplify our lives, tame our addiction to stuff and too many activities. Sometimes, people are too busy doing God’s work to let God even be a part of it. Here is a list to help calm the chaos:
a. pray – not like you are going through a fast food drive through.
b. eliminate something before you add something to your life (activity or stuff)
c. clarify why you do things, don’t just do it
d. assess eternal significance and prioritize activities
e. find a sanctuary – escape to a place of solitude
f. live beneath your means, buy only what you can afford, cut out maintenance by simplifying your life
g. be still and know God
3. “Resonating Redemption”, Matthew 28:18-20, was her final topic. Neva addressed the issues (excuses) of why we do not evangelize and gave some ways that anyone could be God’s messenger. A few of them included: the internet bloggs, lunch time devotionals, and community service projects. She really had great ideas that she mentioned. Her point was that redemption resonates like a new love – Jesus’ followers should be fanatics! She said, “Apple trees grow apples because that is what they are, not to prove they are apple trees.” We know something that we just can’t keep to ourselves! We have to share because it is our inner being, our inner excitement. Living out loud is sharing this explosion of redemption with everyone.
So, to live out loud, it must be by God’s high standards, not the worlds; we have to calm our chaos to make our time count for Him; and we have to share His good news however we can. You can find Neva’s daily devotionals on her blog address at: “ ”. It is a wonderful devotional site.
Thanks Neva, you did an inspiring job! Love you!
I want to tell a story on Neva that could have had a direct impact on me. A few years ago, she was headed to Oklahoma to speak at our ladies’ day. As she was traveling through the not usually dangerous plains of Kansas, her driver’s side window suddenly shattered. At the time, she had no idea why. She sought help and continued on her way to see us. The person who fixed the window said it was consistent with a gunshot. Believe it or not, they found the bullet on the floor of the passenger’s side. It came through her window, somehow missing her, and could not exit through the shatterproof glass of the front window. My friends, there is a reason Neva’s angel protected her that day. I am sure Neva would love to go to heaven where her first husband is waiting, but she knows God has plans for her to be a messenger for Him. He has plans for her to continue living out loud for Him.
With that said, she spoke at least three hours. How can that be summarized in a short entry? Here is my top three list of points from Neva’s talk:
1. The text was the book of Matthew. Her first topic was “Above the Din of the World”, and was based on chapter five. We must be set apart, a people with “surpassing righteousness”. As Christians, we should think differently. Satan tries to get us to lower our standard. If he can get us to lust (after anything), then he can get us to sin. There is a “dumbing down” in America; defined as “refusing to live by or acknowledge a system of standards”. Christians have to live by higher standards in their marriages, their thoughts, their words, everything. We are the sanctified, the called apart. You can’t be a Christian that is living out loud if you are “in camouflage”.
2. The next session was entitled: “Cacophony of Chaos” and focused on Matthew 6. Neva loves fun words to say and “cacophony” is one of those. It means a mixture of sounds that do not go well together. This section was about calming the chaos in our lives. We must first live in harmony with God; he wants us to calm down our lives to be able to worship Him. We also must simplify our lives, tame our addiction to stuff and too many activities. Sometimes, people are too busy doing God’s work to let God even be a part of it. Here is a list to help calm the chaos:
a. pray – not like you are going through a fast food drive through.
b. eliminate something before you add something to your life (activity or stuff)
c. clarify why you do things, don’t just do it
d. assess eternal significance and prioritize activities
e. find a sanctuary – escape to a place of solitude
f. live beneath your means, buy only what you can afford, cut out maintenance by simplifying your life
g. be still and know God
3. “Resonating Redemption”, Matthew 28:18-20, was her final topic. Neva addressed the issues (excuses) of why we do not evangelize and gave some ways that anyone could be God’s messenger. A few of them included: the internet bloggs, lunch time devotionals, and community service projects. She really had great ideas that she mentioned. Her point was that redemption resonates like a new love – Jesus’ followers should be fanatics! She said, “Apple trees grow apples because that is what they are, not to prove they are apple trees.” We know something that we just can’t keep to ourselves! We have to share because it is our inner being, our inner excitement. Living out loud is sharing this explosion of redemption with everyone.
So, to live out loud, it must be by God’s high standards, not the worlds; we have to calm our chaos to make our time count for Him; and we have to share His good news however we can. You can find Neva’s daily devotionals on her blog address at: “ ”. It is a wonderful devotional site.
Thanks Neva, you did an inspiring job! Love you!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Three Wooden Crosses
Randy Travis had a song a few years ago entitled “Three Wooden Crosses”. “There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highway. Why there aren’t four, I don’t know.” A farmer, teacher, a hooker, and a preacher were on a bus together when it crashed. The preacher placed his blood stained Bible in the hooker’s hand and said “can’t you see the promise land?” The prostitute eventually had a son who became a preacher. These people left many things in the hearts of the people they left behind. The preacher who held that Bible up said “Bless the farmer, bless the teacher, bless the preacher who gave this blood stained Bible to my Mama who read it to me.” “It is not what you take when you leave this world behind you. It is what you leave behind you when you go.”
During the workshop, I went to a class on short term missions taught by Phil Jackson of Mission Resource Network. ( ) What impressed me the most was his suggestions of before you leave, write down five of your deepest beliefs. What do you want to really impress on the people you will come in contact with on your mission? Mention was made to the phone calls from the hero flight on 911 and the calls made from the burning trade center buildings of people who knew they did not have long. What would you say if you only had five minutes? What is really important to you? Honestly, I wanted to be able to have my list ready, for when I posted this. When I try, I think of too many things. My list keeps changing.
Here is a try:
1. In all the churchy mumbo jumbo Bible talk, it all boils down to: love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. (Mat 22:37) If you believe in Him, be baptized, make your commitment, start your life in Him, learn to love Him and all of the rest will work it self out.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself: if you think of anyone else as a child of God, your sibling in Him, why would you do otherwise. The commandments are easy to follow if you are thinking of others and not being selfish.
3. To my husband, children, parents, sister, in-laws: I love you all more than life itself. You are my reason for who I am and what I have become and what I live on this earth for. Because of you, I can be myself and have the strength and character to minister to others.
4. For my extended family and friends thank you for the journey. I pray you have grown closer to God because of what you have seen in my life. God intends on us to feel all the emotions He has given us, so may your life be full of laughter and tears.
5. For those who do not know God personally, He wants to love you and bless you more than you can imagine. He wants you to leave any excuse you may have (Luke 5:31, Luke 9:59-62). He wants to accept you however you are (John 4:7-35). He wants you to find your way to Him. (Mat 11:28-30)
I know this list is really a combination of what I would say if I only had five minutes and my five basic truths of being a Christian that I would want to share with someone. It is a start.
A quote that Phil shared at the end of the class was about a time when Mother Teresa was on the Johnny Carson show. He was going on and on praising her for her work. She simply said, “Do you think the donkey that carried Jesus into the village thought the applause was for him?” We are God’s tools, we may only have one moment to be part of His glory. I think Phil’s point was that if we walk into a village without the Jesus, we are just another donkey. But if we let Him use us in the triumphant moments in someone’s life, then that is when we are special.
So tag, you are all it! What are those five things that are in your most inner being that you would save for those last five minutes? Why not let them out now? Why is your cross not on the highway yet?
During the workshop, I went to a class on short term missions taught by Phil Jackson of Mission Resource Network. ( ) What impressed me the most was his suggestions of before you leave, write down five of your deepest beliefs. What do you want to really impress on the people you will come in contact with on your mission? Mention was made to the phone calls from the hero flight on 911 and the calls made from the burning trade center buildings of people who knew they did not have long. What would you say if you only had five minutes? What is really important to you? Honestly, I wanted to be able to have my list ready, for when I posted this. When I try, I think of too many things. My list keeps changing.
Here is a try:
1. In all the churchy mumbo jumbo Bible talk, it all boils down to: love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. (Mat 22:37) If you believe in Him, be baptized, make your commitment, start your life in Him, learn to love Him and all of the rest will work it self out.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself: if you think of anyone else as a child of God, your sibling in Him, why would you do otherwise. The commandments are easy to follow if you are thinking of others and not being selfish.
3. To my husband, children, parents, sister, in-laws: I love you all more than life itself. You are my reason for who I am and what I have become and what I live on this earth for. Because of you, I can be myself and have the strength and character to minister to others.
4. For my extended family and friends thank you for the journey. I pray you have grown closer to God because of what you have seen in my life. God intends on us to feel all the emotions He has given us, so may your life be full of laughter and tears.
5. For those who do not know God personally, He wants to love you and bless you more than you can imagine. He wants you to leave any excuse you may have (Luke 5:31, Luke 9:59-62). He wants to accept you however you are (John 4:7-35). He wants you to find your way to Him. (Mat 11:28-30)
I know this list is really a combination of what I would say if I only had five minutes and my five basic truths of being a Christian that I would want to share with someone. It is a start.
A quote that Phil shared at the end of the class was about a time when Mother Teresa was on the Johnny Carson show. He was going on and on praising her for her work. She simply said, “Do you think the donkey that carried Jesus into the village thought the applause was for him?” We are God’s tools, we may only have one moment to be part of His glory. I think Phil’s point was that if we walk into a village without the Jesus, we are just another donkey. But if we let Him use us in the triumphant moments in someone’s life, then that is when we are special.
So tag, you are all it! What are those five things that are in your most inner being that you would save for those last five minutes? Why not let them out now? Why is your cross not on the highway yet?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Wrestling the Devil
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13
This picture shows me wrestling the devil with the cross in the middle of us. I can stand my ground because of the cross.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Great Commission
We are having fun at the Sunset Workshop in Lubbock. My friend Neva is the speaker for the Women's program. I will write more about her class and some of the others I attended later.
Before Neva spoke, a group of women from the Sunset school, presented a reading of the Great Commission. It was very impressive to hear the women read in twelve different languages. All but one seem to be fluent. It was that one, a white young lady which read in Japanese, that impressed me. She did seem to fumble, but it represented the true desire of learning to meet someone else's need for hearing the Gospel. She showed the start of the process - the foundation of communicating Jesus to an unknowing country. The rest of the women were truly blessed with the gift of "tongue"; the ability to spread the word in their language.
I also want to point out that I have seen lots of this kind of thing. Honestly, I was ready to turn a numb ear. Then I saw the legendary Mrs. Bobbie Paden stand up there, Italian Bible in hand, ready to lead the women in reading their foreign scripture. Tears immediately came to my eyes. Before saying a word, her earthly body represents years of missionary service, training of others and encouraging many in their service. She is a precious mentor and friend to my husband. We have all been blessed by her soul.
I am sure the other women have their own stories and will have years of service for the Lord, I just don't know who they are. The point was very clear to me. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are from, you are commissioned to serve. To spread the gospel to all.
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything (I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20
Before Neva spoke, a group of women from the Sunset school, presented a reading of the Great Commission. It was very impressive to hear the women read in twelve different languages. All but one seem to be fluent. It was that one, a white young lady which read in Japanese, that impressed me. She did seem to fumble, but it represented the true desire of learning to meet someone else's need for hearing the Gospel. She showed the start of the process - the foundation of communicating Jesus to an unknowing country. The rest of the women were truly blessed with the gift of "tongue"; the ability to spread the word in their language.
I also want to point out that I have seen lots of this kind of thing. Honestly, I was ready to turn a numb ear. Then I saw the legendary Mrs. Bobbie Paden stand up there, Italian Bible in hand, ready to lead the women in reading their foreign scripture. Tears immediately came to my eyes. Before saying a word, her earthly body represents years of missionary service, training of others and encouraging many in their service. She is a precious mentor and friend to my husband. We have all been blessed by her soul.
I am sure the other women have their own stories and will have years of service for the Lord, I just don't know who they are. The point was very clear to me. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are from, you are commissioned to serve. To spread the gospel to all.
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything (I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Snow Fun
I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures of our snow adventures.
"Your lips are as blue as my eye!"
Note: Josh had a hit and run accident with a 3rd grade girl during recess. She said she was sorry so he didn't tell the teacher. By the time they lined up he had developed a huge goose egg. It was the first time I have had the teacher call me during school time.
"That's what we had kids for!"
Kobi had fun trying to pull Daddy. Josh did pull the girls lots of times. We really enjoyed the church parking lot beside our house and the drainage ditch beside it.

"Go faster, Daddy, Go faster!"
Word's out that Mom does not pull as fast as Dad, but that's ok, it's less work for Mom!
My Favorite Middle Child
Kobi did a great job last night. Several people said she was the cutest one out there. She was the smallest and she did a great job doing what she was suppose to do. It was just a few seconds after everyone else. We are very proud of her for being so big.
She woke up this morning with an earache. I think she has an infection just in time for us to go to Lubbock. It never fails someone always has something wrong with them right before we leave to go somewhere. I think she’ll be fine and have a lot of fun at the workshop. We have big plans of seeing grandparents and they enjoy their class (the child care).
Yesterday, I was reading on two very different blogs. One made me cry because it was a mother talking about her favorite middle daughter. The description sounded a lot like Kobi. She went on to talk about how the daughter had grown up to be a great Christian. She expressed her pain as she held her still born twin grandchildren, and celebrated the joy of a new pregnancy. All of this made me think of how much I have to look forward to with Kobi. She has so much growing up to do. Yesterday was just part of the start of a long life of accomplishments, memories, and fun growing experiences. Did I mention that it was also Senior night, so we listened to long letters written by the seven seniors to their parents, siblings, friends, etc… All of yesterday was a bundle of emotional, pay attention fast because it will be gone in a flash, reminders. I am really looking forward to all that I am able to be part of with Kobi. Laughter and tears.
The other blog that I read was an interesting conversation between a Christian and non Christian on a Christian discussion blog. I really enjoy being able to read challenging and inspiring blogs from other Christians, but they are made up mostly of other highly devoted Christians. Although no one was trying to change the other’s belief, it was an intriguing conversation with two parties trying to understand the other’s side and explain their own. Also, the fact that you can be sitting in your own house and engage in a debate with someone you don’t know that is who knows where is fascinating. The internet can truly be used as a tool of Satan or a tool of God.
I’ll be out of pocket for a few days!
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through
him. Colossians 3:17
She woke up this morning with an earache. I think she has an infection just in time for us to go to Lubbock. It never fails someone always has something wrong with them right before we leave to go somewhere. I think she’ll be fine and have a lot of fun at the workshop. We have big plans of seeing grandparents and they enjoy their class (the child care).
Yesterday, I was reading on two very different blogs. One made me cry because it was a mother talking about her favorite middle daughter. The description sounded a lot like Kobi. She went on to talk about how the daughter had grown up to be a great Christian. She expressed her pain as she held her still born twin grandchildren, and celebrated the joy of a new pregnancy. All of this made me think of how much I have to look forward to with Kobi. She has so much growing up to do. Yesterday was just part of the start of a long life of accomplishments, memories, and fun growing experiences. Did I mention that it was also Senior night, so we listened to long letters written by the seven seniors to their parents, siblings, friends, etc… All of yesterday was a bundle of emotional, pay attention fast because it will be gone in a flash, reminders. I am really looking forward to all that I am able to be part of with Kobi. Laughter and tears.
The other blog that I read was an interesting conversation between a Christian and non Christian on a Christian discussion blog. I really enjoy being able to read challenging and inspiring blogs from other Christians, but they are made up mostly of other highly devoted Christians. Although no one was trying to change the other’s belief, it was an intriguing conversation with two parties trying to understand the other’s side and explain their own. Also, the fact that you can be sitting in your own house and engage in a debate with someone you don’t know that is who knows where is fascinating. The internet can truly be used as a tool of Satan or a tool of God.
I’ll be out of pocket for a few days!
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Other thoughts by James
This morning Kathy and I discussed this blog site. She described me as the Editor. I responded they are they staff writers. I will note as I have editorially in other posts we are intending to use this tool with our family to incorperate God into everything. Kathy does a great Job trying to do that with everything. The cookie jar cheer below shows that.
Neva nominated me to share 5 things about myself most people would not know. What follows are the list.
1. My wife accuses me of being a pack-rat. (I keep stuff because it might come in handy. Besides I'm not like one of those people who has a car full of garbage so they go out and buy another car.) (Kathy and I always laugh when we see one of those cars.)
2. In a similar vein. I have been accused of being a bin-a-holic. Maybe I am. Does that mean I need to go to meetings where I intro my self saying "Hi, my name is James and I am a bin-a-holic"? (We won't say how many bins we have.)
3. I have more books sitting waiting to be read than I will probably ever get around to. I read, but people keep giving them to me and I keep buying more. I keep saying I may get them read one day though.
4. If I could go on a vacation anywhere, I would take Kathy and nine of my closest relatives (maybe more) and go to Greece.
5. I have cultivated enough friendships (like Kathy, Ned & Neva) that I have learned to laugh when others experience pain. (The image of the nerf gun bullets attacking Ned in the shower is very funny).
Neva nominated me to share 5 things about myself most people would not know. What follows are the list.
1. My wife accuses me of being a pack-rat. (I keep stuff because it might come in handy. Besides I'm not like one of those people who has a car full of garbage so they go out and buy another car.) (Kathy and I always laugh when we see one of those cars.)
2. In a similar vein. I have been accused of being a bin-a-holic. Maybe I am. Does that mean I need to go to meetings where I intro my self saying "Hi, my name is James and I am a bin-a-holic"? (We won't say how many bins we have.)
3. I have more books sitting waiting to be read than I will probably ever get around to. I read, but people keep giving them to me and I keep buying more. I keep saying I may get them read one day though.
4. If I could go on a vacation anywhere, I would take Kathy and nine of my closest relatives (maybe more) and go to Greece.
5. I have cultivated enough friendships (like Kathy, Ned & Neva) that I have learned to laugh when others experience pain. (The image of the nerf gun bullets attacking Ned in the shower is very funny).
Kobi's Cheerleading Debut
Today is Kobi’s debut as a cheerleader. She has practiced and is going to do as well as any three year old can do. I have loved seeing her with the other girls at cheerleading practice. She has been in a boy’s world – brother’s world and now she is starting to enter a girl’s world. I think this is the first time (other than Bible class) she has been instructed by teen girls and is working with other girls to achieve a very girly task. It is very cute, but I wonder if these teen girls realize the job they have taken on not only as instructors of the cheerleading camp but as role models to these little ones. I know Kobi will think they are all the greatest – I hope she is not exposed to otherwise.
I was never a cheerleader. If you had ever seen me do a spread eagle or a hurky jump you would know why. I could however, teach her to kick her leg up which she faithfully does after every cheer. I can also project my voice well which I have passed onto this usually quite kid.
I feel a strong need to incorporate God into everything my kids do. I did get ‘the look’ from James from changing the following cheer:
“Cookie monster says that God (tigers) is the Big Cookie at the top of the jar.
Cookie monster says that the devil (bulldogs) is the itty bitty crumbs at the bottom of the jar.”
I was trying to teach the importance of God, but James firmly pointed out that satan was not even in the jar, maybe the trash can. I was truly not trying to blaspheme. If the kids are going to have outside influences that I am not sure about, I am going to put some kind of reminder in their head of our values.
I have to get busy making a skirt and bloomers. I do not have a pattern so it could be interesting!
Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right. Ears that hear and eyes that see—the LORD has made them both. Proverbs 20:11-12
I was never a cheerleader. If you had ever seen me do a spread eagle or a hurky jump you would know why. I could however, teach her to kick her leg up which she faithfully does after every cheer. I can also project my voice well which I have passed onto this usually quite kid.
I feel a strong need to incorporate God into everything my kids do. I did get ‘the look’ from James from changing the following cheer:
“Cookie monster says that God (tigers) is the Big Cookie at the top of the jar.
Cookie monster says that the devil (bulldogs) is the itty bitty crumbs at the bottom of the jar.”
I was trying to teach the importance of God, but James firmly pointed out that satan was not even in the jar, maybe the trash can. I was truly not trying to blaspheme. If the kids are going to have outside influences that I am not sure about, I am going to put some kind of reminder in their head of our values.
I have to get busy making a skirt and bloomers. I do not have a pattern so it could be interesting!
Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right. Ears that hear and eyes that see—the LORD has made them both. Proverbs 20:11-12
Monday, January 22, 2007
Thanks to the Rosies
I recently found out that a friend of mine is now a stay at home mom. I was glad to hear that. I feel very fortunate to have an understanding husband that agrees to make the sacrifices it takes for me to stay at home. We had so much trouble conceiving Josh, that I was convicted immediately to not let anyone else raise my miracle. Now, with the girls, I can not think of how it would be to let some one else have the joys I have.
Then I thought of Kobi’s teacher who has a daughter between the girls' age. I owe her a great deal of gratitude for how she helps Kobi each school day. At the first of the year, Kobi would not let me instruct her at home. Now, she loves Mommy school and is very cooperative. She has an amazing new since of self-confidence and loves experiencing new things. Her teacher evens brings home my children in cold weather and when I am not well. That is going the extra mile. She can’t be with her little one because she is in service to mine and to me.
When I hear the great debate of work or home on tv, I cringe. I wish people would realize we truly need both sides. Both moms sacrifice and have made their choices based on what they think is best for their families. Since the day of Rosie the Riveter, we have been indebted to working moms for what they have contributed to our country and to our families. Maybe it is up to the stay at home moms to help her keep her family afloat. It is definitely not beneficial to throw darts and begrudge the other side of what they have chosen.
If the goal is to be like the woman of noble character in Proverbs 31, then we will all work hard at whatever we do and take care of our families. We should all be celebrated and supportive to each other if we are trying hard to do what God wants of us.
“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31:29-31
Then I thought of Kobi’s teacher who has a daughter between the girls' age. I owe her a great deal of gratitude for how she helps Kobi each school day. At the first of the year, Kobi would not let me instruct her at home. Now, she loves Mommy school and is very cooperative. She has an amazing new since of self-confidence and loves experiencing new things. Her teacher evens brings home my children in cold weather and when I am not well. That is going the extra mile. She can’t be with her little one because she is in service to mine and to me.
When I hear the great debate of work or home on tv, I cringe. I wish people would realize we truly need both sides. Both moms sacrifice and have made their choices based on what they think is best for their families. Since the day of Rosie the Riveter, we have been indebted to working moms for what they have contributed to our country and to our families. Maybe it is up to the stay at home moms to help her keep her family afloat. It is definitely not beneficial to throw darts and begrudge the other side of what they have chosen.
If the goal is to be like the woman of noble character in Proverbs 31, then we will all work hard at whatever we do and take care of our families. We should all be celebrated and supportive to each other if we are trying hard to do what God wants of us.
“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31:29-31
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Mighty Power
Today we want to share Josh's thoughts on his scripture of the week and a picture.
The apostle Paul wrote:
" Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
Ephesians 6:10-11
This scripture tells me to be strong and to stand against the devil.

(He has been able to quote the passage in greater entirety for some time but the art seems to really catch his attention. This blog will be a tool to help him internalize God's word.)
The apostle Paul wrote:
" Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
Ephesians 6:10-11
This scripture tells me to be strong and to stand against the devil.
(He has been able to quote the passage in greater entirety for some time but the art seems to really catch his attention. This blog will be a tool to help him internalize God's word.)
Friday, January 19, 2007
Holding on to a Goal
Christmas can either leave people with warm fuzzy memories, or heartbreak. It seems the beginning of this year has found a lot of my friends in marital strife. Even last night at Kobi’s cheerleading practice, I was asked if James did marital counseling. I am at a lost of what to say in the moment. Having been there, I know people do not want unsolicited advice, but my heart hurts for anyone in this situation so I want to offer some encouragement.
Last year at Tulsa, I was introduced to a singing group called Shades of Green. Amber and Crystal Green sing and write most of the songs on their cd, “Freedom in Christ”. I would love if my girls turned out like them! I want to share the words to the song that sold me on buying their cd.
My Maw and Paw
Too young, to know better.
Old enough to know what’s right.
A man and a woman,
Some said that they’d make it.
Others never thought they would.
But their love for someone greater,
Gave them the strength to say they could.
My Maw’ and Paw’
My daddy’s mom and dad.
Have a love like no other,
A love like most wish they had.
When my grandma walks in,
She still gets to him.
She still works,
To keep his house a home.
All their children,
Are now fully grown.
Yet laughter lingers there,
From all the memories they share.
With a life time of love,
And a heart full of care.
With laughter, tears and dreams,
Come a host of other things.
There’s wisdom in their eyes,
When they give me this advice.
“Long may you live,
Long may you tarry.
Love who you may,
But mind who you marry!”
My Maw’ and Paw’
This is my encouragement. My goal, my dream, is to have this long, lasting relationship with someone else. James is who I chose to do it with a long time ago. Honestly, there are times I wish it were some one else I chose, but he remains the one that is there. Everyday, I can choose to be someone he wants to smile at or be mad at. It only takes a few genuine good hearted efforts to get the ball rolling for a happy memory.
My wish for anyone struggling is for them to hold on to what ever goal they had to begin the marriage. Remember the feeling, the reason, the dream, and hold on to it. Work towards that goal like you would any other. If your spouse chooses not too, know that you are in charge of making your life one that you want to remember. So fight with everything you have to complete the goal. It will be worth it!
“The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1Timothy 1:5
Love and prayers to you all!
Last year at Tulsa, I was introduced to a singing group called Shades of Green. Amber and Crystal Green sing and write most of the songs on their cd, “Freedom in Christ”. I would love if my girls turned out like them! I want to share the words to the song that sold me on buying their cd.
My Maw and Paw
Too young, to know better.
Old enough to know what’s right.
A man and a woman,
Some said that they’d make it.
Others never thought they would.
But their love for someone greater,
Gave them the strength to say they could.
My Maw’ and Paw’
My daddy’s mom and dad.
Have a love like no other,
A love like most wish they had.
When my grandma walks in,
She still gets to him.
She still works,
To keep his house a home.
All their children,
Are now fully grown.
Yet laughter lingers there,
From all the memories they share.
With a life time of love,
And a heart full of care.
With laughter, tears and dreams,
Come a host of other things.
There’s wisdom in their eyes,
When they give me this advice.
“Long may you live,
Long may you tarry.
Love who you may,
But mind who you marry!”
My Maw’ and Paw’
This is my encouragement. My goal, my dream, is to have this long, lasting relationship with someone else. James is who I chose to do it with a long time ago. Honestly, there are times I wish it were some one else I chose, but he remains the one that is there. Everyday, I can choose to be someone he wants to smile at or be mad at. It only takes a few genuine good hearted efforts to get the ball rolling for a happy memory.
My wish for anyone struggling is for them to hold on to what ever goal they had to begin the marriage. Remember the feeling, the reason, the dream, and hold on to it. Work towards that goal like you would any other. If your spouse chooses not too, know that you are in charge of making your life one that you want to remember. So fight with everything you have to complete the goal. It will be worth it!
“The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1Timothy 1:5
Love and prayers to you all!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
You Understand!
My little one still struggles with getting me to understand her. When I finally do, she is so excited that she has successfully been able to connect her thought with me.
In searching for the word “believe”, in the Bible, I realized how many times Jesus said “you still don’t believe, or “if you only believed”. Finally, John 16:31 says, “You believe at last!” How happy that must have made him for them to catch on even to the extent that they could understand!
Does He feel that way with me when I struggle with His will for my life? Does He want to say, “finally, you believe that I will take care of you”. Does He send situations into my life to show me that He is King of Kings and Lord of All? Does He just wait for me to have that “Aha” moment?
I think He does and I can only be thankful for His grace and patience. When I do understand or believe, I think He has the same excitement as my little one does when she is finally heard. Heavenly High Fives!
In searching for the word “believe”, in the Bible, I realized how many times Jesus said “you still don’t believe, or “if you only believed”. Finally, John 16:31 says, “You believe at last!” How happy that must have made him for them to catch on even to the extent that they could understand!
Does He feel that way with me when I struggle with His will for my life? Does He want to say, “finally, you believe that I will take care of you”. Does He send situations into my life to show me that He is King of Kings and Lord of All? Does He just wait for me to have that “Aha” moment?
I think He does and I can only be thankful for His grace and patience. When I do understand or believe, I think He has the same excitement as my little one does when she is finally heard. Heavenly High Fives!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Adair Little Singers
Recently, we went to a LCU Choir concert in Weatherford, Ok. It was on a first Sunday night of the month, so we had no even service. Our sweet member Idell went with us. Or I should say the kids and I went with her and James. I really do not like choral music and try to avoid corralling the kids in the pew whenever I can. But we were troopers and rode the two hours to see the kids of James’ college class mates perform. They did a great job and we were encouraged. Before leaving, I asked two friends of our nephew if he had held true to a promise with his mother. I will comment no longer on this for I plead the fifth. I will say the boy blushed after James hit me on the arm and said that isn’t a fair question. I think he realized he had let the cat out of the bag.
We had a lovely dinner at Carl’s Jr. and returned home. I don’t know if Idell knew she signed up for the singing van, but merrily she sang along. She even offered up that she wanted ‘specials’ at her Valentine’s sing a long party. If a ‘special’ is what she wants, then a ‘special’ she will receive from my children. We have been practicing on “Good Night Sweetheart” and offered several performances during Christmas. Many in our family were blessed by the Adair Little Singers.
Josh has always been musical but I have been amazed at how young the girls have learned words to songs. I always thought Kyli’s ability to be a ham would make her a natural star, but I have been surprisingly impressed by timid little Kobi’s lack of stage fright. She did a great job in her first school performance during the Veteran’s Day Program and stole the show with her reindeer antlers during their song at the Christmas pageant. This weak she will attend the mini cheerleading clinic so she can cheer in front of the crowd at next week’s basket ball game. My apprehensive three year old is very excited about being the star in front of the crowd. Who’ da thunk it?
I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. Psalms 13:6
We had a lovely dinner at Carl’s Jr. and returned home. I don’t know if Idell knew she signed up for the singing van, but merrily she sang along. She even offered up that she wanted ‘specials’ at her Valentine’s sing a long party. If a ‘special’ is what she wants, then a ‘special’ she will receive from my children. We have been practicing on “Good Night Sweetheart” and offered several performances during Christmas. Many in our family were blessed by the Adair Little Singers.
Josh has always been musical but I have been amazed at how young the girls have learned words to songs. I always thought Kyli’s ability to be a ham would make her a natural star, but I have been surprisingly impressed by timid little Kobi’s lack of stage fright. She did a great job in her first school performance during the Veteran’s Day Program and stole the show with her reindeer antlers during their song at the Christmas pageant. This weak she will attend the mini cheerleading clinic so she can cheer in front of the crowd at next week’s basket ball game. My apprehensive three year old is very excited about being the star in front of the crowd. Who’ da thunk it?
I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. Psalms 13:6

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Ice Storm '07
How has Ice Storm ’07 found you? We had about an inch of hard sleet that looks like snow, leaves no footprints when you walk on it and crunches. You can't even pick it up because it is hard packed. I've never seen anything like it. It has been in the single digits today.
Last Tuesday, I started a cold and the heater broke. On Friday, I felt a little better, but the heater man said he was bailing out because he could not fix it. Of course at 4:00 on Friday, I could not find anyone and with the impending storm I was feeling a little intimidated. Kyli's cold started on Saturday sounding a lot like croup. Josh stayed home from school today not feeling well. Here I am at 4:00 on Monday still feeling the same cold, the space heaters have held the house around 65, and we have a guy that is looking for parts but isn't promising anything.
It is during these times that I remember Jesus saying in Matthew 8:26, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” The apostles were facing a much worse storm that they were out in when he said this. I have a house that although we have a little heat source is still able to stay warm enough. The kid’s are running around in short sleeves, a princess dress and a duck towel so it is not as cold as I think it is. My fear and lack of faith have been for nothing once again. The cold weather is only supposed to last for a couple of more days. By then we should have a plan on fixing the heater for the next cold spell. If not, we know we’ll be ok. God has shown us yet again that he will provide.
As for the colds, it happens every year and won’t go away until we have all had it at least once. I think we are doing well to have lasted this long without getting sick. It is nice to not miss much because everything is cancelled or postponed.
A friend called and asked if we all had cabin fever. My reply was that even though church was cancelled, we walked over to the building and had service with just our family. The girls love to lead singing anyway. We sang, Jesus Loves Me, the B-i-b-l-e, the chorus of In the Morning of Joy (a new favorite of Kobi’s), Oh How I love Jesus, I will call upon the Lord, and of course Zacchaeus was the communion song led by Kyli. Josh read Isaiah 40:29-31, very well because of his week long practicing. James spoke from Luke 22 although I could tell it was quickly being adjusted with each new interruption. The most notable thing I think he said was that even though it may seem that we are playing pretend, that we are really worshipping God and that we should all take that serious no matter how old we are. God wants be praised and respected from every level of attention span. I think He was. And we now have a warm and cozy memory of Ice Storm 07! It is funny how warm you feel when you are singing, “In the morning of joy…”
Last Tuesday, I started a cold and the heater broke. On Friday, I felt a little better, but the heater man said he was bailing out because he could not fix it. Of course at 4:00 on Friday, I could not find anyone and with the impending storm I was feeling a little intimidated. Kyli's cold started on Saturday sounding a lot like croup. Josh stayed home from school today not feeling well. Here I am at 4:00 on Monday still feeling the same cold, the space heaters have held the house around 65, and we have a guy that is looking for parts but isn't promising anything.
It is during these times that I remember Jesus saying in Matthew 8:26, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” The apostles were facing a much worse storm that they were out in when he said this. I have a house that although we have a little heat source is still able to stay warm enough. The kid’s are running around in short sleeves, a princess dress and a duck towel so it is not as cold as I think it is. My fear and lack of faith have been for nothing once again. The cold weather is only supposed to last for a couple of more days. By then we should have a plan on fixing the heater for the next cold spell. If not, we know we’ll be ok. God has shown us yet again that he will provide.
As for the colds, it happens every year and won’t go away until we have all had it at least once. I think we are doing well to have lasted this long without getting sick. It is nice to not miss much because everything is cancelled or postponed.
A friend called and asked if we all had cabin fever. My reply was that even though church was cancelled, we walked over to the building and had service with just our family. The girls love to lead singing anyway. We sang, Jesus Loves Me, the B-i-b-l-e, the chorus of In the Morning of Joy (a new favorite of Kobi’s), Oh How I love Jesus, I will call upon the Lord, and of course Zacchaeus was the communion song led by Kyli. Josh read Isaiah 40:29-31, very well because of his week long practicing. James spoke from Luke 22 although I could tell it was quickly being adjusted with each new interruption. The most notable thing I think he said was that even though it may seem that we are playing pretend, that we are really worshipping God and that we should all take that serious no matter how old we are. God wants be praised and respected from every level of attention span. I think He was. And we now have a warm and cozy memory of Ice Storm 07! It is funny how warm you feel when you are singing, “In the morning of joy…”
Monday, January 15, 2007
Circus Ingrate
Last spring, we took Josh and the girls to the circus. Being the cheap parents we are, we did not let him ride the elephant or have a toy. He was mad and ungrateful so he said ugly things. I got very angry at his ungratefulness and in return offered a harsh scolding.
That night as I went in to do dishes, the anger slapped me in the face. I realized that God had provided us with a small house that allowed us to grow closer together, pay our bills, have cheaper bills to pay, and a job that allowed James to work on his masters and help pay for it. Josh and Kobi have wonderful teachers, we all have great friends and our extended family is well and supportive. I am blessed and I realized how my unhappiness probably made God very angry at my ungratefulness. This made me feel sad but at peace with our situation. The next day we received news that a new project we were working on was not going to work out. Instead of feeling let down as anticipated, the peace from the day before continued and comforted me. I am extremely grateful for all of my blessings and the slaps from life that reminds me of them.
How can my ungrateful heart make God angry? Ungratefulness is not found in the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22. Instead, it is mentioned in the ungodly list of 2 Timothy 3:2-5. “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”
Ouch! That is harsh! My wee little sin is in really bad company! The question to myself is, “do I have a form of godliness but deny God’s power?” Am I replacing my faith in God’s power with my selfishness for demanding more? The problem lies in my reception of God’s answer to my desires. He has answered my demands for more by revealing the blessings I already have.
I know He will grant me more or different blessing when it is time for them. Colossians 4:2 says, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” In those moments of ‘gotta have something now’, I have to be patient, pray and have a thankful attitude for whatever happens. Through the Spirit, He gives me peace to accept the answers I have not yet received.
I know I have a hard time when my kids are ungrateful, I really don’t want to seem that way to God.
That night as I went in to do dishes, the anger slapped me in the face. I realized that God had provided us with a small house that allowed us to grow closer together, pay our bills, have cheaper bills to pay, and a job that allowed James to work on his masters and help pay for it. Josh and Kobi have wonderful teachers, we all have great friends and our extended family is well and supportive. I am blessed and I realized how my unhappiness probably made God very angry at my ungratefulness. This made me feel sad but at peace with our situation. The next day we received news that a new project we were working on was not going to work out. Instead of feeling let down as anticipated, the peace from the day before continued and comforted me. I am extremely grateful for all of my blessings and the slaps from life that reminds me of them.
How can my ungrateful heart make God angry? Ungratefulness is not found in the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22. Instead, it is mentioned in the ungodly list of 2 Timothy 3:2-5. “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”
Ouch! That is harsh! My wee little sin is in really bad company! The question to myself is, “do I have a form of godliness but deny God’s power?” Am I replacing my faith in God’s power with my selfishness for demanding more? The problem lies in my reception of God’s answer to my desires. He has answered my demands for more by revealing the blessings I already have.
I know He will grant me more or different blessing when it is time for them. Colossians 4:2 says, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” In those moments of ‘gotta have something now’, I have to be patient, pray and have a thankful attitude for whatever happens. Through the Spirit, He gives me peace to accept the answers I have not yet received.
I know I have a hard time when my kids are ungrateful, I really don’t want to seem that way to God.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Wings As Eagles
Isaiah 40:29-31
29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
It (this passage) encourages me at wrestling when I am wrestling. God gives me strength.
29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
It (this passage) encourages me at wrestling when I am wrestling. God gives me strength.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Christmas '06 letter
Dear Friends,
We have had a wonderful 2006. James has stayed busy juggling the Churches. He is still working on his masters in ministry. This year’s new responsibilities include being on the Board of Directors for the Library and restarting the ministerial alliance for one of the towns. His time is occupied with community service projects from putting lights on a windmill at the famous windmill park, to setting up 5th quarters after football games. He is in charge of the Christmas benevolence programs in both towns so the last couple of weeks has been about making a list and changing it a lot more than twice. Santa will find lots of families in our county because of his elf James. When I asked what he wanted me to write about him he said, “He’s a good man who loves his children.” So there it is.
Kathy is still staying very busy as a “not always at home Mom”. She spends a lot of time volunteering at the School in the kid’s classrooms or picking stickers on the playground. As usual, she made most of her Christmas presents. She even helped Josh sew a purse for his girlfriend. Her jewelry business is still going well and she keeps all of the kid’s scrapbooks up to date. She has enjoyed planning everyone’s big birthday parties. This was the fourth year for her to coordinate Ladies’ Day and she was the speaker. The Bunco group she started is growing and has been a great blessing to all of the young moms. We spent Thanksgiving in her new favorite way by staying with Tricia and camping out at Best Buy. She calls it her ‘parking lot slumber party’. The best part of it was re-establishing an old friendship with Michelle who also helped us get the $250 laptop computer. It was a special and priceless memory! Thanks Michelle!
Josh (7 yrs) is a high-watered, athletic kid with oversized new front teeth. This year when Kathy was helping him pull his front tooth he shouted, “I don’t even believe in the tooth fairy or Santa”. We quickly sat down and discussed the rule of ‘if you don’t believe, you don’t receive’ and how sad it would be if he no longer received presents. His response was, “Well, I do know there is a Santa because you guys are too cheap to buy me what he does!” Josh did well in his last year of t-ball and is now in wrestling for his second year. James and Josh have again enjoyed going to all of the football games. This is the fourth year they won state and the 56th strait win. (If you go back a couple of years their record is like 66-1, and 75-2, but whose counting?) Josh was a big help with our 5th Quarters. He is still an absolute Star Wars nut. He loved the movie “Cars” so we took an exciting Oklahoma Route 66 Road trip and went to two Route 66 museums. The kids loved it. (James loved the end of the trip because we bought him a new Toyota Yaris.) Josh is in first grade and does 2nd grade reading and still scores very high on all his tests and report cards. About two months ago, he reported that he was ‘in love’ with his girlfriend Rinda. James took them on their first date to a football game. In spite of her freezing, they are still a couple. They were crowned Prince and Princess of the Fall Carnival. As one of the highest honors to be received here, it comes with a great crown that the girls are just dying to get their hands on.
Kobi (3 yrs) is still Princess of Quite –a – Lot. She is in the 3 year old program at school. Although she is the youngest student, she has proven that she is ‘boss of all of us’ by taking charge and telling even the big kids how to play on the play ground. They wisely listen. We have decided that she will either be a fashion designer or a construction foreman because of her talent in fashion, demolition, reconstruction, and assertiveness. She has an incredible teacher who lets Kathy and Kyli be part of the class on a regular basis. Kobi loves to play dress up and has worn the Strawberry Shortcake off of her tutu from Aunt Dwana. Strawberry Shortcake, Dora and the Disney Princesses are all her friends. She too has a boyfriend and received her first kiss at a football game. Caleb is the cute 4 year old son of the doctor that delivered Kyli and Josh’s wrestling coach. Kobi enjoys dancing and wrestling as well, although they are often difficult to distinguish. She may be tall and petite, but, as Ma Ma describes her, she is “tough as a boot”.
Kyli (2yr) is still our joker, pistol, character, Queen of All-the-Rest… She talks all the time and enjoys being ‘the privileged’ while the others are at school. When we help at school, she blends in and is able to answer the questions like a big kid. MaMa says “she’ll go to any dog that’ll hunt”. She hugs and kisses her way into everyone’s heart. Last Sunday, she swallowed her offering. We were relieved when there was a big gulp and the choking stopped. Her response was, “My money’s in my tummy!” The ER nurse said they all think it is precious and that we should dig it out and put it in a baby book. I think I’ll use another dime. Various other comments included, “this too shall pass.” There is never a dull moment with the girls around. One day as Kathy turned around to scold Kobi, Kyli sprinkled fish food into the shortening for the cookie dough intended for Kobi’s class. What would you have done?
Speaking of Fishy, our 2 ½ year old beta, has gone to be with Nemo where all drains lead to. James was cleaning his tank when he decided to take a leap down the drain. James was babysitting so he had to tell the kids of their lost friend who took the plunge. They took it well, but we’ll acquire another one for Christmas. Hopefully it too will have a long life.
We are still living in our ‘900 square feet of family love’ home. It has truly been a blessing as it helps us to grow closer and pay off lots of bills. We hope you have enjoyed this year as much as we have and pray that your 2007 is full of great memories and good health. May God bless you and keep you!
Merry Christmas,
James, Kathy, Josh, Kobi & Kyli
We have had a wonderful 2006. James has stayed busy juggling the Churches. He is still working on his masters in ministry. This year’s new responsibilities include being on the Board of Directors for the Library and restarting the ministerial alliance for one of the towns. His time is occupied with community service projects from putting lights on a windmill at the famous windmill park, to setting up 5th quarters after football games. He is in charge of the Christmas benevolence programs in both towns so the last couple of weeks has been about making a list and changing it a lot more than twice. Santa will find lots of families in our county because of his elf James. When I asked what he wanted me to write about him he said, “He’s a good man who loves his children.” So there it is.
Kathy is still staying very busy as a “not always at home Mom”. She spends a lot of time volunteering at the School in the kid’s classrooms or picking stickers on the playground. As usual, she made most of her Christmas presents. She even helped Josh sew a purse for his girlfriend. Her jewelry business is still going well and she keeps all of the kid’s scrapbooks up to date. She has enjoyed planning everyone’s big birthday parties. This was the fourth year for her to coordinate Ladies’ Day and she was the speaker. The Bunco group she started is growing and has been a great blessing to all of the young moms. We spent Thanksgiving in her new favorite way by staying with Tricia and camping out at Best Buy. She calls it her ‘parking lot slumber party’. The best part of it was re-establishing an old friendship with Michelle who also helped us get the $250 laptop computer. It was a special and priceless memory! Thanks Michelle!
Josh (7 yrs) is a high-watered, athletic kid with oversized new front teeth. This year when Kathy was helping him pull his front tooth he shouted, “I don’t even believe in the tooth fairy or Santa”. We quickly sat down and discussed the rule of ‘if you don’t believe, you don’t receive’ and how sad it would be if he no longer received presents. His response was, “Well, I do know there is a Santa because you guys are too cheap to buy me what he does!” Josh did well in his last year of t-ball and is now in wrestling for his second year. James and Josh have again enjoyed going to all of the football games. This is the fourth year they won state and the 56th strait win. (If you go back a couple of years their record is like 66-1, and 75-2, but whose counting?) Josh was a big help with our 5th Quarters. He is still an absolute Star Wars nut. He loved the movie “Cars” so we took an exciting Oklahoma Route 66 Road trip and went to two Route 66 museums. The kids loved it. (James loved the end of the trip because we bought him a new Toyota Yaris.) Josh is in first grade and does 2nd grade reading and still scores very high on all his tests and report cards. About two months ago, he reported that he was ‘in love’ with his girlfriend Rinda. James took them on their first date to a football game. In spite of her freezing, they are still a couple. They were crowned Prince and Princess of the Fall Carnival. As one of the highest honors to be received here, it comes with a great crown that the girls are just dying to get their hands on.
Kobi (3 yrs) is still Princess of Quite –a – Lot. She is in the 3 year old program at school. Although she is the youngest student, she has proven that she is ‘boss of all of us’ by taking charge and telling even the big kids how to play on the play ground. They wisely listen. We have decided that she will either be a fashion designer or a construction foreman because of her talent in fashion, demolition, reconstruction, and assertiveness. She has an incredible teacher who lets Kathy and Kyli be part of the class on a regular basis. Kobi loves to play dress up and has worn the Strawberry Shortcake off of her tutu from Aunt Dwana. Strawberry Shortcake, Dora and the Disney Princesses are all her friends. She too has a boyfriend and received her first kiss at a football game. Caleb is the cute 4 year old son of the doctor that delivered Kyli and Josh’s wrestling coach. Kobi enjoys dancing and wrestling as well, although they are often difficult to distinguish. She may be tall and petite, but, as Ma Ma describes her, she is “tough as a boot”.
Kyli (2yr) is still our joker, pistol, character, Queen of All-the-Rest… She talks all the time and enjoys being ‘the privileged’ while the others are at school. When we help at school, she blends in and is able to answer the questions like a big kid. MaMa says “she’ll go to any dog that’ll hunt”. She hugs and kisses her way into everyone’s heart. Last Sunday, she swallowed her offering. We were relieved when there was a big gulp and the choking stopped. Her response was, “My money’s in my tummy!” The ER nurse said they all think it is precious and that we should dig it out and put it in a baby book. I think I’ll use another dime. Various other comments included, “this too shall pass.” There is never a dull moment with the girls around. One day as Kathy turned around to scold Kobi, Kyli sprinkled fish food into the shortening for the cookie dough intended for Kobi’s class. What would you have done?
Speaking of Fishy, our 2 ½ year old beta, has gone to be with Nemo where all drains lead to. James was cleaning his tank when he decided to take a leap down the drain. James was babysitting so he had to tell the kids of their lost friend who took the plunge. They took it well, but we’ll acquire another one for Christmas. Hopefully it too will have a long life.
We are still living in our ‘900 square feet of family love’ home. It has truly been a blessing as it helps us to grow closer and pay off lots of bills. We hope you have enjoyed this year as much as we have and pray that your 2007 is full of great memories and good health. May God bless you and keep you!
Merry Christmas,
James, Kathy, Josh, Kobi & Kyli
Josh's Heart
One of my new year’s resolutions is to work on Bible memory verses with my son, Josh. This week’s verse is Isaiah 40:29-31: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” He has done a great job reading the verse three times a day and has almost said it by memory (with motions and prompting). He is a smart seven year old and it is time for him to commit God’s word to his open heart.
There is an additional reason for this scripture. It is not only one of my favorites, but I am hoping the words will be a true encouragement to him. Josh’s open heart also seems to be a crushed one. We have not been able to figure out why exactly, but we have noticed a huge lack of spirit when he is at wrestling practice. He went from loving it to just doing the motions. We are guessing it might have something to do with a less experienced friend being able to beat him even though he doesn’t know as much as Josh. Whatever it is, you can tell his heart is no longer in it.
Tonight is a practice meet so you can see the anticipation in his face. Last year, he went up against a boy three years older and more mature but was relentless to not give up even when turning purple from a choke hold. It was definitely a time of learning a grown up lesson in a little boy moment. He has learned so much since then, yet without having the heart to believe that he can beat even the giants, I am concerned for his outcome. I have even come up with an anachronism: “get stinky” – survivor, tough, intelligent, non-stopping, keep it up, you go boy!
This is where the scripture comes in. I once had someone tell me that he was raising his kids to be adults not kids. He explained that everything he did was to encourage and give them knowledge when they were older. Will Josh remember the anticipation he is dwelling in? – Maybe. Will he remember that his mom was in his corner spouting that those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagle? – Hopefully. When he looks back, I want him to remember that God was with him. I want him to fully feel that anytime he is tired of fighting, that he can look to God to renew his strength. This is not about wrestling, it is about courage and finding the heart to go on. My job as his head cheerleader is to root for him to ‘go, fight, win’ and be the relentless little boy with the brave heart. “Get Stinky! Get Stinky! Get Stinky!”
p.s. Josh got his heart back! He was awesome! Even his coach said “Josh, you’re back! I’ve been missing the old way you wrestled!” He not only dominated the whole match, but he ended it by pinning the poor kid. Mr. Relentless is on the mat again!
(Josh is in red)
There is an additional reason for this scripture. It is not only one of my favorites, but I am hoping the words will be a true encouragement to him. Josh’s open heart also seems to be a crushed one. We have not been able to figure out why exactly, but we have noticed a huge lack of spirit when he is at wrestling practice. He went from loving it to just doing the motions. We are guessing it might have something to do with a less experienced friend being able to beat him even though he doesn’t know as much as Josh. Whatever it is, you can tell his heart is no longer in it.
Tonight is a practice meet so you can see the anticipation in his face. Last year, he went up against a boy three years older and more mature but was relentless to not give up even when turning purple from a choke hold. It was definitely a time of learning a grown up lesson in a little boy moment. He has learned so much since then, yet without having the heart to believe that he can beat even the giants, I am concerned for his outcome. I have even come up with an anachronism: “get stinky” – survivor, tough, intelligent, non-stopping, keep it up, you go boy!
This is where the scripture comes in. I once had someone tell me that he was raising his kids to be adults not kids. He explained that everything he did was to encourage and give them knowledge when they were older. Will Josh remember the anticipation he is dwelling in? – Maybe. Will he remember that his mom was in his corner spouting that those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagle? – Hopefully. When he looks back, I want him to remember that God was with him. I want him to fully feel that anytime he is tired of fighting, that he can look to God to renew his strength. This is not about wrestling, it is about courage and finding the heart to go on. My job as his head cheerleader is to root for him to ‘go, fight, win’ and be the relentless little boy with the brave heart. “Get Stinky! Get Stinky! Get Stinky!”
p.s. Josh got his heart back! He was awesome! Even his coach said “Josh, you’re back! I’ve been missing the old way you wrestled!” He not only dominated the whole match, but he ended it by pinning the poor kid. Mr. Relentless is on the mat again!
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