Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Other thoughts by James

This morning Kathy and I discussed this blog site. She described me as the Editor. I responded they are they staff writers. I will note as I have editorially in other posts we are intending to use this tool with our family to incorperate God into everything. Kathy does a great Job trying to do that with everything. The cookie jar cheer below shows that.

Neva nominated me to share 5 things about myself most people would not know. What follows are the list.

1. My wife accuses me of being a pack-rat. (I keep stuff because it might come in handy. Besides I'm not like one of those people who has a car full of garbage so they go out and buy another car.) (Kathy and I always laugh when we see one of those cars.)
2. In a similar vein. I have been accused of being a bin-a-holic. Maybe I am. Does that mean I need to go to meetings where I intro my self saying "Hi, my name is James and I am a bin-a-holic"? (We won't say how many bins we have.)
3. I have more books sitting waiting to be read than I will probably ever get around to. I read, but people keep giving them to me and I keep buying more. I keep saying I may get them read one day though.
4. If I could go on a vacation anywhere, I would take Kathy and nine of my closest relatives (maybe more) and go to Greece.
5. I have cultivated enough friendships (like Kathy, Ned & Neva) that I have learned to laugh when others experience pain. (The image of the nerf gun bullets attacking Ned in the shower is very funny).



John Roberts said...

Kathy, James, and all -
Welcome to the blog world! It is an amazing place. Kathy, you dropped by my blog the other day and left the most humbling comment I have ever received. Thank you for allowing my words to encourage and uplift you.
I well understand the pressures and discouragements of ministry (27 years in the trenches). In spite of them all, I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life. For all the demands and sacrifices, it is worth it.
We also have three children - though on the other end of the spectrum. Ours are 23,19, and 15 - we are two years away from an empty nest, though your family picture takes me back to what seems like yesterday when our kids were that small.
In this blog world you will find yourself drawn to certain sites on a daily basis and you will become a part of a blog community where you are welcomed and expected to show up. I have a group of people that stretch from Cocoa Beach, Florida to Long Beach, California. They have become as dear to me as family. I hope you have the same wonderful experience I have had and continue to enjoy the encouragement that we give and receive to each other.


pack-rat? My wife's one of those. Never throw a thing away. I'm just the opposite. If I find it sitting in the same place too long ... I'm throwing it away. (hum.. I think that's the way we lost our dog, guess he should have moved around a little more often) ha

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Anonymous said...

Good words.