1. Kobi received a cone cardboard birthday hat at a school party on Wednesday and has worn it every where since. It makes a great shadow.
2. For some reason Kyli decided it was her birthday and sang the “It’s my birthday song” all day long. When James called to say goodnight, the kids sang him a song and Kobi said “I love you”, Josh said “Good night” and Kyli said, “I say it’s my birthday”.
3. The girls put their dress up clothes on and went out side to watch Josh play ball.

4. Josh had his Darth Vader voice changing helmet on saying, “You want a piece of me?” and “Let’s get ready to RUUMMMBLLLLE!” It sounds most impressive with the voice changer.
5. I checked out a football book for Josh at the library called “The Miracle Halfback”. I was shocked when after he read it he said it was a real Cinderella story. I thought it was a tough guy book so he went on to explain that the small boy had two evil step brothers and a mean step dad that made him do chores and not play football because he was too little. There was a fairy God father who told him to use an absent kid’s uniform and get dressed before everyone came to the locker room after the game. He played a great game and in his haste, he left his really small football shoe in the locker room. You guessed it, the coach realized it was not the player he thought it was, but since he played so well, the coach tried the shoe on everyone until he found a match. The coach talked to the dad and the boy got to fulfill his dream of playing football. Surely there is a sermon there somewhere. I should have known something was up if I would have read the back of the book: ""I wonder who could wear such a small shoe,” the coach said. “Whoever it is, I’ve got to find him. That boy is the halfback I need for my team. With him, we could win the championship!” I may like this story better than the original.
6. Jay Leno said that atheism numbers are on the decline although they don’t believe it.
7. Jimmy Kimmel showed news footage of a man dragging Anna Nicole’s burial dress on the floor of the airport. He commented saying, “This is the news and yet multiple people lost their lives in the tornado in Alabama.” His point was well taken. My heart goes out to those families and I can only imagine how scared all the people were. There was also a lady that got pegged on the forehead with a nectarine. I am not usually up late enough to watch him and I think the lateness made it hysterical.
Did something funny happen around you yesterday? I also am going to give a devotional at Bunco on Monday with the requested theme of Irish sayings. I have the sayings, I just wonder how you would apply them spiritually?
Have a funny day,
The picture above is of Kobi. I haven't down loaded the camera lately and it was funnier than the picture I have of Josh. We call it Darth TuTu.
Love your funny list. Derek, my 2-yr-old likes to sing Happy Birthday. When it was Nathan's birthday last week, he sang it all day long, even when Nathan was at school. He also says Happy Birthday at random, and gets us all cracking up (that's the real reason he does it).
I think I would have cracked up if I had heard Jay Leno's joke about the atheists.
My kids love dressing up too. Don't tell them about Darth Vader's mask -- I won't hear the end of it until they have one. I was going to joke about the picture of "Josh" wearing it, but then you explained at the bottom that it wasn't, so I can't. :)
Santa got the mask for $10 on clearance at Walmart.
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