Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Weaned Her Yet?

I had not weaned Kyli when an unknown man asked me at the gas station if I had “weaned her yet?” Kyli was not even with me. I looked down to see if I was leaking – how did he know? When I didn’t answer, he asked his question again and this time I thought he asked me if I had a wing on my van. I didn’t have an answer for that either. The third time he slowly explained, “Have you weaned your car of gas yet?” I replied quickly that time, “Oh! No.” He smiled and I am sure he wondered if I dyed my hair.

Communication is a two way street and really depends on your point of view.
Do you have a funny communication story?

"Man has been given two ears and only one tongue
that he might listen twice as much as he speaks."
Walter Colton


Anonymous said...

Daryl & I have always had communication problems. When we first married 27 years ago I would say, "I love cherry pie." Daryl would answer, "Yes, the Astro's are my favorite team also." We have come a long way in our commuication. I now say, "I love cherry pie." And he will reply, "Yes, steak is my favorite also." You see, we are both talking about food now. Not the same food, but food. Just think, after another 27 years I may say, "I love cherry pie." And he may reply, "Yes, chocolate icecream is my favorite also. Oh the possibilities!

The Preacher's Household: said...

I understand and I am proud for your accomplishments!