Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Win-Win Love

Yesterday, my kids got to enjoy all of the festivities of Valentine’s Day. I rarely let them have more than one piece of candy a day so they had fun getting a sugar high. What is the point of the holiday if you can’t enjoy a few pieces of chocolate kisses and candy hearts?

Josh bought Kobi a balloon and candy bouquet that arrived in her classroom. It was purchased out of his piggy bank money which is not released very often. Kobi gave Kyli a teddy bear and Kobi’s teacher put a goody bag with a balloon together for Kyli. Brother also shared his more girly cards with Kyli so she wouldn’t feel left out. Kyli gave Josh a bottle of soda. It is a true luxury for him and he shared it kindly. I share all of this to say, we are really trying to teach them to love each other and they do a very good job with it. We want them to know that you don’t have to give elaborate, expensive gifts to someone. They all felt loved by each other and knew that there were thoughts behind the gifts. Watching all of this makes me very happy.

James received candy, a Sinatra CD (think what you will, but we had a lot of fun with it), and a package of underwear. (They were more a necessity than a romantic jester.) He gave me a birdbath. Yes, a birdbath. He had been eyeing it for weeks thinking I would enjoy it. I love spring, and really like having fun in the dirt with my flowers. He thought that it would remind me that the new life was coming and give me something new to look forward to in my garden. He was right. His thoughtfulness was very romantic and was apparently the envy of the ladies at the store where he bought it.

I think God likes Valentine’s Day. It is a time when He gets to look down and see people showing their love for each other. Pagan holiday or not, it is about His favorite thing – love. How much joy He must get watching His children showing love to each other! We are truly blessed when we get to feel warm fuzzies from someone else. He knew we needed and would like this feeling. That is why He gave it to us.

He also gave it to us so we could love Him back. He made it easy for us by giving to us so much, we can’t help but want to love Him. When we pray, He gives us peace and knowledge. When we show others love, we receive pleasure. When we forgive others, we receive understanding. Even in praising Him, we receive encouragement. It is a win-win situation. God is love and God is great all the time.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31


1 comment:


Adair's hope you've had a good week. It's been an amazingly busy one around Childress this week. You know who some weeks can be. Sorry I haven't stopped by, my blogging has suffered this week due to my busyness. Love you guys. Love your blog. Love your heart.