On my walk yesterday, I started thinking about Jesus as a youngster. Knowing that he was sinless and also believing in an age of accountability, I wonder if He got in trouble as a kid. Did He get made fun of on the playground for being different? Did He get a reward when His baby teeth came out? Rich Mullins has a song that asks, “Were you a boy like me?”
He had siblings, he couldn’t have always gotten along well with all of them all of the time. Did he draw the line on the palate and say “This half is mine.”? Did it not matter to Him that the Son of Man had no place to lay His head because He had to share so much with His brothers? Did He learn His leadership skills by bossing them around. If you go by birth order personality, would you say He was the oldest or the Only Child?
Spare the rod, spoil the child - did Mary thump Him on the ear or spank Him when she gave Him the “what for” after He stayed behind at the temple? Did she tell Him to stop picking His nose in public? What kind of discipline/ punishment did He receive? Did she feel guilty for being angry with Him? Did she really know she was responsible for raising the Son of God?
Also, Joseph is not mentioned during Jesus’ ministry. At what point did Mary become a single mom? How old was Jesus when His Dad died? Why did he not live to see Jesus’ ministry?
Have you ever thought about this and do you have any answers for me?
He had siblings, he couldn’t have always gotten along well with all of them all of the time. Did he draw the line on the palate and say “This half is mine.”? Did it not matter to Him that the Son of Man had no place to lay His head because He had to share so much with His brothers? Did He learn His leadership skills by bossing them around. If you go by birth order personality, would you say He was the oldest or the Only Child?
Spare the rod, spoil the child - did Mary thump Him on the ear or spank Him when she gave Him the “what for” after He stayed behind at the temple? Did she tell Him to stop picking His nose in public? What kind of discipline/ punishment did He receive? Did she feel guilty for being angry with Him? Did she really know she was responsible for raising the Son of God?
Also, Joseph is not mentioned during Jesus’ ministry. At what point did Mary become a single mom? How old was Jesus when His Dad died? Why did he not live to see Jesus’ ministry?
Have you ever thought about this and do you have any answers for me?
One of the things I look forward to finding out when I get to heaven is what Jesus was like as a boy, as a friend, as a brother, as a son, etc. Did Jesus joke around with the disciples on the journey between towns? Did he ever trip and fall? Did he get a cold? Great questions you bring up! But, sorry, no answers for you ... from me anyway. :) The image I got of you describing Mary telling Jesus to quit picking his nose especially made me laugh as we have a hard time of that with our oldest, also with him sucking his thumb. It makes me laugh to think of Jesus, the Son of God, picking his nose!! (I hope that's not irreverent)
I hope not too. I think He wants us to think of Him as real as we possibly can and if you are talking little boy, then that is as real as it gets.
I have thought some about Jesus as a boy, because I too raised a son who jumped on the beds, swang from the celing fans and threw rocks and broke out windows. But my heart continually wonders about His mother, Mary. I can relate so much to her because we both raised sons. But I can't imagine the responsibility she felt, knowing she was raising God's Son. I don't think she understood the full impact of that until she stood at the foot of the cross or maybe at the empty tomb.
I can imagine her pride when Jesus turned the water into wine, and she thought,'that's my son.'
But my heart nearly breaks when I think about her watching them beat, spit, curse, crush thones upon His head and then hang Him on a cross. How she stood at the foot of the cross and watched her baby boy suffer this is beyond this mother's ability to understand.
While all of those experiences would have been amazing. Imagine the powerful testimony she had after the resurrection. She could say, MY son was dead and then HE rose again and I saw Him go to heaven. He is indeed the Messiah. Of that I am sure.
It would have been incredible.
PS How is Josh?
Josh is down to a low grade temp and is walking around. He really wanted to go to school today, but he barely made it through our going to the library.
Neva and Monalea,
I did a monolog one time as if I were Mary. It may have touched me more because of really putting myself in her shoes.
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